Weather today
-7 °C / 7 °C
Sunshine hours
6 h
Although the high-pressure system that is determining the weather is moving its center towards Eastern Europe, its influence on the weather patterns will remain unbroken over the weekend. The flow over the Alps is turning to the south, which means that some clouds will arrive from the south during Sunday, but they may only be somewhat denser around the main Alpine ridge. A low-pressure system over Italy will affect us marginally from Sunday to Monday, but just slightly more variable weather is expected. Precipitation is not an issue, and the high-pressure influence will become even stronger towards the middle of the week. At the same time, it will cool down somewhat, at least in the mountains. With the beginning of the second half of next week, we will increasingly enter a southwestern flow. This will make the weather pattern much more variable, and strong southerly föhn winds will pick up in the mountains.
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Avalanche warning
2 Moderate
The avalanche warning level refers to the Kappl ski area
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