With a cold front the recent stable high-pressure weather system will end on Thursday night. This weather change will be sustainable and will bring significantly varied weather conditions in the coming days. On Friday morning, only a few isolated snowflakes may fall from the sky. Essentially, the cold air flowing behind the front will dry out significantly, allowing the sun to become increasingly prominent as the day progresses, especially from the south. This weather improvement may persist well into Saturday. However, dense clouds will begin to appear in the sky towards the evening. These are the outskirts of a weak warm front that will brush past us on Sunday. Light precipitation may occur towards the northern edge of the Alps, while temperatures will generally rise significantly. After the warm front passes, the beginning of next week will see a stormy southerly föhn wind developing. This will partially break up the clouds and allow for some sunshine. At the same time, weak southerly barrier effects will form on the main Alpine ridge. A cold front and a low-pressure system over northern Italy will accompany with this on Tuesday. The day promises to be gloomy and wet, with the snow line expected to descend to low valley elevations.
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